Rules for Surge Protective Device Installation in Different Earthing Systems


Rules for Surge Protective Device Installation in Different Earthing Systems

A variety of documents deal with the subject of surge protective device installation: for example in France, standard NF C 15-531 focuses on the installation rules of LV surge protective devices and standard NFC 15-100 covers all the LV electrical installations.

To evaluate the risk, a formula based on scientific criteria is proposed to engineering and design departments.This formula takes account of the characteristics of the site and the environment:

1. Lightning density,

2.Type of distribution network

3. Site topography,

4. Presence of lightning rods, if any.

Whatever system is used, if a lightning risk is present, all electrical installations must befitted with surge protective devices , whose composition may vary according to the type of earthing system.

Figures bellowed- Choice of surge protection mode (common or differential) according to the electrical installation earthing system as per NF C 15-443.

These differences are due to:
Whether or not differential mode surges are treated,The maximum steady state voltage Uc:

Between live conductors and the earth:

  • Ue> 1.5 Un in the TT and TN earthing systems,
  • U> √3 Un in the IT earthing system;
Between phases and neutral, U > 1.1 U, whatever earthing system is used.
1. Earthing the neutral does not prevent surges from affecting the phaseconductors!
2. Surge limiters, use of which is compulsory in the IT earthing system, replace surge protective devices for protection against 50 Hz MV surges. As these two devicesdo not have the same functions, surge protective devices continue to be required forlightning surges.
