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Rules for Surge Protective Device Installation in Different Earthing Systems
A variety of documents deal with the subject of surge protective device installation: for example in France, standard NF C 15-531 focuses on the installation rules of LV surge protective devices and standard NFC 15-100 covers all the LV electrical installations.
To evaluate the risk, a formula based on scientific criteria is proposed to engineering and design departments.This formula takes account of the characteristics of the site and the environment:
1. Lightning density,
2.Type of distribution network
3. Site topography,
4. Presence of lightning rods, if any.
Whatever system is used, if a lightning risk is present, all electrical installations must befitted with surge protective devices , whose composition may vary according to the type of earthing system.
Figures bellowed- Choice of surge protection mode (common or differential) according to the electrical installation earthing system as per NF C 15-443.
These differences are due to:
Whether or not differential mode surges are treated,The maximum steady state voltage Uc:
Between live conductors and the earth: