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PRODUCT DETAILS Features Type2 surge protector SPD. Fast response(≤25ns); low protection level. Reliable safety due to double integrated disconnectors with double protections. Optional to use without a back up fuse....
https://www.repsun.com.cn/T2-SPD/Surge-Protectors-for-AC-Power-Supply-System-T2-315/PRODUCT DETAILS Features REP-MP40/2P adopts UL certified MOV as the key component. Max discharge current Imax(8/20μs) at each path(L-PE;N-PE). Easy installation, with 60cm connection wire, connect directly to the phase...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/SPD-for-Outdoor-Transformer/SPD-for-Outdoor-Transformer-Uc-650-2P-3/PRODUCT DETAILS Features REP-MP40/2P adopts UL certified MOV as the key component. Max discharge current Imax(8/20μs) 40kA at each path(L-PE;N-PE). Easy installation, with 60cm connection wire, connect directly to the phase...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/SPD-for-Outdoor-Transformer/SPD-for-Outdoor-Transformer-2P-Series/PRODUCT DETAILS Features Three items optional, already attained CB certificate. Y circuit connection, offer full protection (L-N; N-PE; L-PE). Mechanical disconnection and light indicator optional. High disch...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/SPD-for-LED-Street-Lighting/SPD-for-Street-Lighting-324/PRODUCT DETAILS Features Three items optional, already attained CB certificate. Y circuit connection, offer full protection (L-N; N-PE; L-PE). Mechanical disconnection and light indicator optional. High disch...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/SPD-for-LED-Street-Lighting/SPD-for-Street-Lighting/PRODUCT DETAILS Features REP-SP24 can work in the various voltage of 5-60Vdc. Suitable for signal series application. DIN rail easy mounting. Pluggable, and the work signal would not be interrupted when the module is...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/SPD-for-Wind-Turbine/T2-Surge-Protector-for-Wind-Turbine-336/PRODUCT DETAILS Features The combination TypeI +Type II surge protector can be installed at zero distance from the subsequent II surge protector without decoupling inductance. Non exhausting encapsulated spa...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/SPD-for-Wind-Turbine/T1T2-Surge-Protector-for-Wind-Turbine/PRODUCT DETAILS Features Type2 surge protector comply with IEC61643-11. Reliable supervision due to double integrated disconnection devices. Low voltage protection level. Optional to use without ...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/SPD-for-Wind-Turbine/T2-Surge-Protector-for-Wind-Turbine-316-325-334-341/PRODUCT DETAILS Features Level II pluggable power surge protector, quick response time ≤25ns, voltage protection level ≤5kV. Type2 surge protector comply wit...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/SPD-for-Wind-Turbine/T2-Surge-Protector-for-Wind-Turbine-316-325-334/PRODUCT DETAILS Features Type2 surge protector comply with IEC61643-11. Reliable supervision due to double integrated disconnection devices. Low voltage protection level. Optional to use without a fuse. ...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/SPD-for-Wind-Turbine/T2-Surge-Protector-for-Wind-Turbine-316-325/PRODUCT DETAILS Features Modulated T1+T2 Combined Smart SPD for wind electricity, with LCD screen to help indicate the working status of the SPD, lightning intensity, striking frequency, time, energy peak, polarity, and provide access fo...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/SPD-for-Wind-Turbine/T1T2-Combined-Wind-Electricity-Smart-SPD-380/PRODUCT DETAILS Features For protecting 50Ω coaxial system, applied in coaxial systems, cell sites and antenna systems, installed at LPZOA-1 interface. Good discharge capacity, low voltage protection level. Wide frequency r...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/SPD-for-Signal-System/Surge-Protectors-for-Signal-System-311-343-372/PRODUCT DETAILS Features This product is mainly used to protect the receiver or transmitter system of the mobile communication(GPS) frequencies from the destroy causing by the inducing thunder, abnormal power and over-voltage etc. ...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/SPD-for-Signal-System/Surge-Protectors-for-Signal-System-311-343-369/PRODUCT DETAILS Features Combined SPD for protecting mains, video and control system. Simple installation, with BNC connector, RJ45 connector and connection clamps. Especially used in monitoring camera chain protection. ...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/SPD-for-Signal-System/Surge-Protectors-for-Signal-System-311-343-366/PRODUCT DETAILS Features REP-SP can work in the various voltage of 5-60Vdc. Pluggable surge protection for DIN rail easy mounting. Signal transmission is not interrupted when exchanging module. Two-stage protection c...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/SPD-for-Signal-System/Surge-Protectors-for-Signal-System-311-343/PRODUCT DETAILS Features For data and signal protection, can be used for tracker, controller etc., signal and data transmission surge protection. Suitable to use for RS232 or RS485 protection. Small size, minimum installati...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/SPD-for-Signal-System/Surge-Protectors-for-Signal-System-311-332/PRODUCT DETAILS Features Surge arrester for Ethernet, Twisted Pair, Cat 6 network systems against surges. High discharge capability, total nominal discharge current 8kA 8/20μs. Simple installation. Din Rail Type is a...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/SPD-for-Signal-System/Surge-Protectors-for-Signal-System-311-339/PRODUCT DETAILS Features Surge arrester for Ethernet, Twisted Pair, Cat 6 network systems against surges. Network galvanic isolation, protective circuit. High discharge capability. Simple installation. Datashee...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/SPD-for-Signal-System/Surge-Protectors-for-Signal-System/PRODUCT DETAILS Features REP-SP24 can work in the various voltage of 5-60Vdc. Suitable for signal series application. DIN rail easy mounting. Pluggable, and the work signal would not be interrupted when the module is...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/SPD-for-PV-DC/T2-Surge-Protector-Signal-System-for-PV/PRODUCT DETAILS Features REP-MP40/2P adopts UL certified MOV as the key component. Max discharge current Imax(8/20μs) at each path(L-PE;N-PE). Easy installation, with 60cm connection wire, connect directly to the phase...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/SPD-for-Outdoor-Transformer/SPD-for-Pole-Type-Transformer/PRODUCT DETAILS Features REP-MP40/2P adopts UL certified MOV as the key component. Max discharge current Imax(8/20μs) at each path(L-PE;N-PE). Easy installation, Sealed well for water-proof and inflaming retarding. ...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/SPD-for-Outdoor-Transformer/SPD-for-Low-voltage-Side-of-Transformer/PRODUCT DETAILS Features Real time online monitoring of SPD status and surge current by web platform and phone APP; REP-MP40AI adopts UL certified MOV as the key component; Max discharge current Imax(8/20μs):40kA ...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/Smart-Surge-Protective-Device/Smart-SPD-for-Outdoor-Transformer/PRODUCT DETAILS Features Combination T1+T2 SPD surge protector for single phase Non exhausting encapsulated spark gap technology. High follow current extinction and limitation due to no follow current. Reliable super...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/T1T2-SPD/REP-BC25T1T2-440-1S/PRODUCT DETAILS Features Type1 surge protector SPD. Non exhausting encapsulated spark gap technology with extremely high surge capacity. High follow current extinction and limitation due to no follow current. ...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/T1-SPD/REP-B50T1-320-3S/PRODUCT DETAILS Features Type1 surge protector SPD. Non exhausting encapsulated spark gap technology with extremely high surge capacity. High follow current extinction and limitation due to n...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/T1-SPD/REP-B50T1-320-0S/PRODUCT DETAILS Features Small combination plugable T1+T2+T3 SPD surge protector only 72mm for three phases. Spark gap technology with high surge capacity and low voltage protection level. High follow current extinction and...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/T1T2T3-SPD/REP-MWG15T1T2T3-255-3S/PRODUCT DETAILS Features Class B / Type1 surge protector SPD. Sealed metal spark gap technology coordinated with MOV technology. High follow current extinction and limitation due to no follow current technolo...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/T1-SPD/REP-B15REP-B25REP-B50-and-REP-B100NPE/PRODUCT DETAILS Features Combination T1+T2 SPD surge protector. Non exhausting encapsulated spark gap technology. High follow current extinction and limitation due to no follow current. Reliable supervision due to ne...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/T1T2-SPD/REP-BC25T1T2-320-3S4S/PRODUCT DETAILS Features Class B+C/Type T1+T2 combination surge protector SPD. Sealed metal spark gap technology coordinated with MOV technology. High surge discharge capacity and no follow current. Fast response ti...
https://www.repsun.com.cn/T1T2-SPD/REP-BC25T1T2-320-1S2S/PRODUCT DETAILS Features Type1+Type2pluggable surge protector No exhausting encapsulated spark gap technology Low protection level≤1.5kV LTR energy control technology, directly coordinated to next SPD witho...